Monday 6 July 2020

Assalamualaikum :3

So, hello! Now we are done with MCO. But still living in 'new norm'. Well, there no huge different pun dengan MCO or not. Maybe it is like we are in between MCO and not/ Faham tak cane? Dia macam, kita hidup macam biasa tapi kita still ada jarak, sanitize tangan, pakai mask and so and so. Semoga kita dapat hidup macam biasa balik because I am tired of online class already. I mean, ye la seronok je online class. You dont have to bersiap apa semua kan duduk je kat rumah but I kinda miss the vibe gelabah bangun bersiap apa semua tu. Plus, online class got me dumber than I usually am. So... I guess my pointer gonna drop so hard? 

Another thing, I've got place for intership! *insert applause and scream* Kat WorthyBook, nearby Mid Valley which is not too far from Ain and Mehi. And I'm gonna rent a room at Bangsar so... Okay je kot. Lets pray for the best hewhew. Berdebar juga cos 1st, the room is cheap. Selalunya bilik sewa murah ni berhantu hahahahahaha semoga tidak! Kalau tak aku sewa je la bilik UPM T.T lol. And 2nd, nak kerja kan, mesti la nervous. Pulak dapat tempat sekali ngan Souhail hadehhhh. 

And I'm living my saki baki MCO to the fullest! Got paid from ibu sebab hari-hari masak, keluar spending quality time with my brother and his friends and ohhh my brother's friend sangat la baik to me. I am vvv grateful for that haha. Nothing interesting pun about that, saja nak panjangkan post huahua. 

Till then I guess? Adios!

Wednesday 29 April 2020


Well, today is our 6th Ramadan for 2020 and also 4th phase of MCO. Yesterday was my first online class for this long period of holiday (holiday la sangat phew) and drained me sooooo much. Ngantuk tu ya Allah, hanya tuhan yang tahu. 

And during MCO jugak la I discovered that I actually can cook many kind of food, (read: lauk) bukan cuma macaroni and maggi. Hahaha padahal buat tu sebab aku suka makan tu je lol. Okay lah, banyak jugak masak, kalau list ni panjang jugak la. So, better not.

Aaand, during MCO jugak la I felt demotivated nak buat FYP, assignments and baca chapters that my lecturers assigned us to read. I don't know about others because many of my friends complained about MCO dipanjangkan. But for me, I somehow grateful because I actually can spend more time with my family, celebrate Ramadan and Syawal with them which I don't know bila lagi I can experience this again. Kita makin besar, makin jauh dengan family. Rumah is not our house anymore. It is our kampung already. Unless you planned to stay with your family lah bila dah kerja nanti. Little part of me do feel like "alaa.. tak boleh nak iftar dengan kawan, reunion iftar, pergi bazaar" tapi after MCO ends, kita ada masa lagi kan nk buat semua tu. I am a family person, I lebih suka spend this kind of situation dengan family for my age. Sebab I know, bila dah besar I won't have this anymore. Dah besar nanti la masa iftar ngan kawan, ngan partner. Family dah jauh. Hahaha, that is my 2 cent je.

Okay la, till then peepolz. Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan. Ramadan Kareem, Allahu akram!